Basque cinema at the Sorbonne IV University of Paris


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

On the initiative of L´université Paris Sorbonne IV and the Etxepare Basque Institute, the Basque cinema cycle Zinema-Cinema has been organized in Paris. During the two days of the cycle, they will offer a Master Class and two screenings: a selection of short dilms of Kimuak and 80 egunean.

On November 4, Txema Muñoz (Head of Kimuak) and Carlos Belmonte (researcher of visual arts at the Sorbonne-Paris University) will teach a Master Class and at the evening the selection of short films by Kimuak will be screened with the presence of both Muñoz and Belmonte.

On the following day, November 5, the movie 80 egunean will be screened, appointment that will attend the director Jose Mari Goenaga.

The organizing committee is composed of Carlos Belmonte (Université Paris Sorbonne-Crimic), Nancy Berthier (Université Paris-Sorbonne-Crimic), Géraldine Galeote (Université Paris-Sorbonne-Crimic), Miren Ibarluzea (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris III), Txema Muñoz (Filmothèque Basque), Jose Mari Olaziregi (Etxepare Basque Institute) and Maitane Ostolaza (Université Paris-Sorbonne-Crimic).

On the initiative of L´université Paris Sorbonne IV and the Etxepare Basque Institute, the Basque cinema cycle Zinema-Cinema has been organized in Paris. During the two days of the cycle, they will offer a Master Class and two screenings: a selection of short dilms of Kimuak and 80 egunean.

On November 4, Txema Muñoz (Head of Kimuak) and Carlos Belmonte (researcher of visual arts at the Sorbonne-Paris University) will teach a Master Class and at the evening the selection of short films by Kimuak will be screened with the presence of both Muñoz and Belmonte.

On the following day, November 5, the movie 80 egunean will be screened, appointment that will attend the director Jose Mari Goenaga.

The organizing committee is composed of Carlos Belmonte (Université Paris Sorbonne-Crimic), Nancy Berthier (Université Paris-Sorbonne-Crimic), Géraldine Galeote (Université Paris-Sorbonne-Crimic), Miren Ibarluzea (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris III), Txema Muñoz (Filmothèque Basque), Jose Mari Olaziregi (Etxepare Basque Institute) and Maitane Ostolaza (Université Paris-Sorbonne-Crimic).

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