Centro Dramático Nacional: ´Los papeles de Sísifo´ (´The Sisyphus Papers´)
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

09Apr 202102May 2021
Los papeles de Sísifo (The Sisyphus Papers), written by Harkaitz Cano and directed by Fernando Bernués, will be performed at Madrid’s Centro Dramático Nacional from April 9 to May 2. The performances on April 29 and 30 will be in the Basque language with Spanish subtitles.
Loosely based on the Egunkaria case, the play is a tribute to journalism and all unjustly shut down media.
In the words of one of the characters, a newspaper ‘is like a small version of War and Peace’. An endless novel that expires every day. The chaos of the world squeezed into four columns. It is no wonder that journalists are driven by vocation: theirs is an impossible mission: while the editorial sections of newspapers face precariousness and disillusion in their against-the-clock quest for truth and accuracy, the powers that be wage a war to control the information that reaches the public. A journalist’s work is to question and investigate, but what happens when the tables are turned and the journalist is the one being interviewed?
The play was produced by the Spanish National Drama Centre in conjunction with the Arriaga, Principal and Victoria Eugenia theatres. Thanks to the collaboration of the Etxepare Basque Institute with the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music (INAEM), audiences in Madrid will also be able to see the play performed in its original version, Basque, with Spanish subtitles.