EFM – Berlinale 2022: Basque. Audiovisual
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

10Feb 202217Feb 2022
The European Film Market, one of the leading meeting places of the international film and media industries, will take place from February 10th to 17th, coinciding with Berlinale, the Berlin International Film Festival. Basque. Audiovisual. will be there once again with the most outstanding productions in the Basque film industry.
This year the festival has opted for a hybrid experience, bringing back in-person screenings, while offering certain sections online, including the European Film Market and Berlinale Talents.
As in previous editions, Basque. Audiovisual. will have a stand (this time virtual) at the film market linked to the ‘Cinema from Spain’ portal. Information will be made available on regional tax incentives, funding, and various tools and associations at the service of the international film industry.
For the 72nd annual Berlinale, Basque. Audiovisual. has released a new catalogue that brings together Basque projects that are currently underway and the Kimuak 2021 short film selection. The catalogue will be made available to programmers, international sales agents, audiovisual platforms and other essential film industry stakeholders.
It is also worth noting that this year’s Berlinale will feature two Basque filmmakers: Alauda Ruiz de Azúa and Estibaliz Urresola.
The Panorama section is dedicated to edgy, daring films that force the audience to challenge their own values. Biscayan filmmaker Alauda Ruiz de Azúa’s film ´Cinco Lobitos´, produced by Sayaka Producciones, Encanta Films, Buena Pinta Media and RTVE, will be in competition in this section. ‘Cinco Lobitos’ tells the story of a mother in her thirties who has trouble balancing work and life who goes back to her childhood home, hoping her parents will look after her while she looks after her baby.
Estibaliz Urresola will also take part in the 19th Berlinale Co-Production Market held from February 12th to February 1st. The director from Laudio, Alava, will bring her feature debut ´20.000 especies de abejas´ (‘20,000 Species of Bees’, Gariza Films and Inicia Films), a meditation on identity that tells the story of Lucía, a girl with a penis who is called Aitor by her schoolmates. Urresola will have the opportunity to meet potential international co-producers, representatives from financial aid offices, directors of streaming platforms, sales agents and heads of television channels, among many other industry professionals.