Etxepare-Laboral Kutxa Translation Prize


Goal of the convocation
The goal of this convocation is to award a prize to a published translation of a literary work which was originally written in Basque.

Nature of the prize
The prize will reward the quality of the translation itself and the publisher’s promotional strategy.
For that reason, the publisher and the translator will share the prize.

Deadline for presenting applications
The deadline for applications is 1 July (that day included).



  • Application deadline: 2015/06/16 - 2015/07/01
  • Amount: 6,000€
  • Contact: Kizkitza Galartza | | 943 023 409

Goal of the convocation
The goal of this convocation is to award a prize to a published translation of a literary work which was originally written in Basque.

Nature of the prize
The prize will reward the quality of the translation itself and the publisher’s promotional strategy.
For that reason, the publisher and the translator will share the prize.

Economic resources
The prize will be worth 4,000 euros. The publisher and translator will each receive half that amount.
As well as the prize, the prize-winners will receive a grant of up to 2,000 euros for being able to come to the prize-giving ceremony and continuing with the promotional strategy in the country of publication (presentations, events, publicity campaigns, media interviews…).

Conditions the candidates must fulfil
- Applications will be accepted from translators, publishing houses or anyone else who works in the field of publishing, literature or translation.
- The translation must have been published in 2014.
- It must be a published literary work originally written in Basque.

Deadline and place for presenting applications
The deadline for applications is 1 July (that day included).
The application (appendix I) and documentation can thus be presented:
- Directly at the Etxepare Basque Institute office: Prim Street, 7, 2006 Donostia-San Sebastián (between 8.30 am and 2 pm).
- At any Basque Government “Zuzenean” office.
- By registered post to the above address.
The appendix will be available via

Obligatory documents to be presented
Together with the application, candidates must present the following documentation:
- One copy of the translated book.
- The translator’s CV.
- A report on the publishing house.

Selection Committee
One the applications have been scrutinised a Selection Committee will be formed to evaluate them.
This will be made up of the following members:
- President: M. Aitzpea Goenaga Mendiola, Director of the EBI. In the event of a tied vote hers will be the deciding vote.
- Committee members:
A representative of Laboral Kutxa
Three experts in the field.
Secretary: A technical advisor from the EBI in Basque and Culture, with the right to speak but not vote.

Selection criteria
Selection of the candidates will be carried out according to the following standards, and in total a maximum of 100 points are obtainable:
- Translation: a maximum of 45 points.
In the translation section the following will be taken into consideration: the translator’s career (including prizes and reviews), the quality of the work, and the degree of difficulty as well as relevance of the translation.
- Publication: a maximum of 45 points.
In the publication section the following will be taken into consideration: the importance of the publishing house, the edition itself, the quality of the series in which the translation is published, events carried out to promote the work, the website and its critical reception. For the purposes of this convocation, events wholly organised or financed by the Etxepare Basque Institute will not be taken into account.
- For the translation being carried out directly from Basque: 10 points.
This resolution will be published at the following address:

Prize-giving ceremony
The prize-giving ceremony will be held on 30 September, International Translation Day, in a place to be agreed on by the EBI and LABORAL KUTXA.

Payment will be made to both the publisher and the translator within one month of the prize being awarded.
As well as the prize, the grant mentioned in article 3 for an amount of up to 2,000 euros to help promote the work will be paid to the publisher within a month of this promotional work being formally accounted for. In order to do so, any expenses must be accounted for by means of presenting original invoices or their accredited copies. A report on the promotion carried out must also be presented together with the invoices.


Etxepare Basque Institute:

Prim 7

Tel 943023400


More info:

Kizkitza Galartza

Tel 943 023 409


Deadline for presenting applications
The deadline for applications is 1 July (that day included).

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