Huesca International Theatre and Dance Fair: Osa + Mujika and Lasala
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

26Sep 202130Sep 2021
Osa + Mujika and the company Lasala will be taking part in the 35th edition of the Huesca International Theatre and Dance Festival, which runs from September 27th to 30th. The duo will present the show ‘Expectations will not kill you’ at 6pm on September 27th. At 10pm on the same day, Lasala will perform the piece ‘Dead’.
Osa and Raymond Naval will embody the 13-minute choreography that premiered at the Lekuz Leku 2020 Festival in Bilbao. This piece was also selected for the 2020 Acieloabierto Network.
The work is based on the sadness we feel when we do not achieve the goals we set out for ourselves; it reflects the emotional instability that makes us fall short of our expectations.
Judith Argomaniz´s work, ´Dead´, is an hour-long performance featuring Paula Parra, Garazi Etxaburu, Miren Lizeaga and Jone Amezaga. ´Dead´ is about living before dying and invites the audience to reflect on their own beliefs, limitations and experiences.