Festival EÑE: Basque Window

Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

  • 14
    Oct 2023
    Nov 2023

The Eñe Festival will offer a window onto Basque literature through the Etxepare Basque Institute from 27 to 28 October. Curated by Kirmen Uribe, Basque writers will take part in the festival through different activities ranging from readings set to music to round tables.

The festival, held this year from 14 October to 15 November, serves as a rendezvous for writers, literature, and the reading community. For the second year running, Basque and Catalan will have their own space at the Eñe Festival, with programmes curated by Kirmen Uribe.

With support from the Etxepare Basque Institute, Basque literature will have its space in three events, curated by the writer Kirmen Uribe..

27 October: Munduari Begiratzeko

´Munduari Begiratzeko´ ("To look at the world") is a show that combines songs by Mikel Urdangarin and Rafa Rueda with the recitation of poems inspired by the music of Kirmen Uribe, accompanied by the display of animations by Mikel Valverde.

28 October: Mundos Queer en euskera (Queer worlds in Basque)

The revolution fuelled by the queer movement in Basque culture will serve as the central theme guiding the discussion between activist and sexologist Aitzole Araneta, poet Ángel Erro, and storyteller Danele Sarriugarte..

28 October: De migraciones e identidades (From Migrations and identities

Basque storytellers Katixa Agirre and Karmele Jaio will talk about the recent changes in society and their reflection in literature. During the talks, the ‘bertsolaris’ Jon Maia and Miren Amuriza will improvise verses, commenting on events in the Basque Country.


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