Intersección. Contemporary Audiovisual Art Festival: seven basque artists
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

22Oct 202131Oct 2021
A Coruña
Seven Basque artists to take part in Intersección, the Contemporary Audiovisual Art Festival of Galicia, which runs from October 22nd to 31st. Work by Aitor Gametxo, Jonander Agirre Mikelez, Mirari Echávarri López, Aida Vallejo, Lur Olaizola, Maite Redondo and Gari Arambarri will be on display. The artists will also take part in screenings, masterclasses and workshops.
The focus of the festival is on projects that lie at the crossroads of contemporary art and avant-garde cinema, covering a wide variety of formats, techniques and languages.
Since 2018, the event has offered not only screenings, exhibitions and performances, but also educational activities and spaces where artists, researchers, curators and other professionals can engage with the public.
This year, for example, eight films by Aitor Gametxo will be screened on October 30th, from 6:30 to 9pm: ´El falso pez´, ´Una de sus vidas´, ´En busca de los sonidos perdidos´, ´Cicha Symphonia´, ´Els Ulls´, ´Otros diez minutos mayor´, ´Z´ and ´Hemen-Gaur-Berriz´. Gametxo will also be teaching a masterclass on the following day, October 31st, from 12:30 to 1:30pm.
Before the Gametxo films, ‘Pasaia Bitartean´, directed by Irati Gorostidi, will be screened at 4:30pm on October 30. This film is based on Jonander Agirre Mikelez´s 2013 research on urban fabric entitled ´Gehiengoaren hiria´. The day before, on the 29th, Aida Vallejo and Lur Olaizola will participate in Mesa Proxecta, a roundtable discussion from 1:00 to 2pm.
The event will also include LAB workshops aimed at project development on the 27th, 28th and 29th, from 10am to 1pm. Maite Redondo (with the project ´La piel de Marte´) and Gari Arambarri (with the project ´Estirar un brazo es desear´) will be taking part.
Last but not least, Mirari Echávarri López will present her film ´Cuerpos # 1 Santa Águeda´ on October 31st from 7:30 to 9pm.