Learning about Basque culture... all over the world!


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

For the second time, the project ‘Euskal Sortzaileak Sarean’, created by the Etxepare Basque Institute and Mintzanet of Maramara* taldea, is being carried out. Thanks to this project, Basque artists from different fields offer online training through Mintzanet to students of the Basque language and Culture readerships worldwide. Do not forget that you can watch full videos of the sessions on the youtube channels of the Etxepare Institute and Mintzanet.

Professor Pio Perez Aldasoro opened the cycle, and talked about Basque culture with the students of Moscow with the help of the reader Ainhoa Ayerbe. The students of the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, however, addressed the issue ´Stories about Basque conflicts´ with Ur Apalategi and with the help of the reader Aritz Galarraga. Tomorrow will be the turn of the writer Harkaitz Cano, who will chat with students in Poznan (Poland) and the reader Maialen Sobrino about ´Zer liburu Ipuin?´

This is the second edition of the program in which different creators have taken part: Mark Kurlansky, Eider Rodriguez, Unai Elorriaga, Itxaro Borda, Arantxa Urretabizkaia, Karmele Jaio Ivan Igartua, Iñaki Martinez de Luna, Miren Amuriza and Unai Elorriaga.

For the second time, the project ‘Euskal Sortzaileak Sarean’, created by the Etxepare Basque Institute and Mintzanet of Maramara* taldea, is being carried out. Thanks to this project, Basque artists from different fields offer online training through Mintzanet to students of the Basque language and Culture readerships worldwide. Do not forget that you can watch full videos of the sessions on the youtube channels of the Etxepare Institute and Mintzanet.

Professor Pio Perez Aldasoro opened the cycle, and talked about Basque culture with the students of Moscow with the help of the reader Ainhoa Ayerbe. The students of the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, however, addressed the issue ´Stories about Basque conflicts´ with Ur Apalategi and with the help of the reader Aritz Galarraga. Tomorrow will be the turn of the writer Harkaitz Cano, who will chat with students in Poznan (Poland) and the reader Maialen Sobrino about ´Zer liburu Ipuin?´

This is the second edition of the program in which different creators have taken part: Mark Kurlansky, Eider Rodriguez, Unai Elorriaga, Itxaro Borda, Arantxa Urretabizkaia, Karmele Jaio Ivan Igartua, Iñaki Martinez de Luna, Miren Amuriza and Unai Elorriaga.

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