MIPTV 2021: Basque. Audiovisual.
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

12Apr 202116Apr 2021
The Cannes MIPTV market will be held digitally from April 12 to 16. The event will once again have the participation of several Basque companies that will have their own space under the name Basque Audiovisual, thanks to the collaboration between Eiken (Basque Audiovisual and Digital Content Cluster), the Etxepare Basque Institute and Zineuskadi.
MIPTV is one of the most important television and media markets in the world, and a meeting point for international agents in the digital entertainment sector. The event offers the opportunity to contact producers, distributors and buyers from all continents, favoring the internationalization of content and formats in a global market.
In this edition, the companies that will be in the Basque Audiovisual space will be EITB, New Digital Media Euskadi, Orkestra Studio, Spain Expressive Media Projects and Extrapictures SL. Representatives from Eiken and Zineuskadi will also attend Cannes, who will carry out intense commercial work with an agenda in which the network of international contacts will be strengthened in order to generate business opportunities for Basque companies.
The main benefit of the participation of Basque companies in this event is to enable meetings with international professionals from the entire value chain of the audiovisual and digital content sector. For this reason, Eiken and Zineuskadi also set among their objectives the promotion of our territory, presenting the Basque Country as the nucleus of international production, and Eiken as a future link for filming opportunities.