News about the Basque language, culture and contemporary creation.
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.
Jabier Muguruza awarded with the prize to the best concert of the festival Barnasants
The concert offered by Basque musician Jabier Muguruza together with Mikel Azpiroz last March 14 in the Auditorium of Barcelona within Barnasants, has been recognized as the best concert of the fes...
"The Basque Swastika" and "Democracy", Basque films awarded at the Official Section of the Nantes Film Festival
The documentary The Basque Swastika, directed by Alfonso Andrés and Javier Barajas, and Democracy, a short film by Borja Cobeaga, and the short film , Borja Cobeaga ,have been awarded in the...
New edition of the Excellence in Basque Studies Summer Course!
One more year, the Etxepare Basque Institute has organized, in collaboration with the UPV-EHU Summer Courses, Excellence in Basque Studies IV, the Course of Preparation for the Teaching of Basque a...
Basque literature and music in Poland
The Basque writer Eider Rodriguez and the pianist Juantxo Zeberio will go on a literature and music tour around Poland in April. They will visit the cities of Krakovia, Poznan, Gdansk and Var...
The registration for the Independence Music Awards is open
The Independent Music Awards will be given in June in Madrid. For the second time, the present edition will have the Better Album in Basque category, supported by the Etxepare Basque Institute . In...
New training at the UPV for the teaching of the Basque in universities and higher education centres abroad
The University of the Basque Country (Vice-chancellorship of Postgraduate Studies and International Relations) will offer, jointly with the Etxepare Basque Institute, a new Course of Training aimed...
Call: grants for the promotion of the plastic and visual arts 2014
Call: grants for the promotion of the plastic and visual arts 2014 EHAA 2014.04.14 Arte plastikoak eta ikusizkoak sustatzeko diru-laguntzen deialdia
Call: grants for the promotion of dance tours 2014
Call: grants for the promotion of dance tours 2014 EHAA 2014.04.14 Dantza birak sustatzeko diru-laguntzen deialdia
Eratu, Napoka Iria and Joe la Reina will play on Artistas en Ruta program
Thanks to the agreement between AIE and the Etxepare Basque Institute, the second round of "Artistas en Ruta" program will include three Basque groups: Eratu, Napoka Iria and Joe la Reina.They will...