News about the Basque language, culture and contemporary creation.

Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.
Basque artists live at international universities through Mintzanet
As a result of the joint work between the Etxepare Basque Institute and the Mintzanet platform -of the group Maramara*- Basque artists and agents will offer, training sessions from the Basque Coutn...
More Basque cinema than ever at the Festival du Cinéma Espagnol de Nantes
The Basque participation in the Festival du Cinéma Espagnolde Nantes will be bigger than ever this year. The window to the Basque cinema -Fenêtre Basque- will not only have a bro...
A day devoted to the Basque Culture in Gdansk
The Etnographic Museum of Gdansk has organised "Dzien Baskjiski”, a day devoted to the Basque Culture, on March 29. Katarzyna Mirgos and Amaia Donés Mendia, teachers at the Adam Mickie...
Program about Orality at the Sorbonne University in Paris
Miren Ibarluzea, the Basque Language and culture reader of the Etxepare Basque Institute at the Sorbonne Nouvelle III University in Paris has organized, together with her Catalonian and Galician co...
"10 Books from the Basque Country for Children and Young People": an invitation to read
This catalogue seeks to reflect the buoyant moment being experienced by Basque children’s and young people’s literature. Besides consolidated careersand referential books such as Txan f...
The emotion of puppets at the European Parliament
The Tolosa International Puppet Center -Topic- opened up yesterday "Puppets a world of excitement... Not only for children!!!", an special exhibition about the center at the European Parliament in ...
Call: selection of six Basque Language and Culture readers
The Etxepare Basque Institute has announced today the Call for the selection of six Basque Language and Culture lecturers in the following international universities: Universitat de Barcelona and...
The University of Oxford analyzes Basque language and culture related matters
The XVI. Forum for Iberian Studies (20-21 March) closes today at the University of Oxford. For the second time, this forum -supported by the Etxepare Basque Institute- has included Basque culture a...
Basque film "Arriya" in Szeged
The University of Szeged, in Hungary, has programmed in March Cinema Paradiso, a multi-lingual cinema season. The program includes films is six different languages, and, thanks to the colaboration ...