´No one knows it all´: the results of the residence program Amphitryion 2016, displayed in Bilbao


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

Azkuna Zentroa will inaugurate tomorrow February 16 ‘No one knows it all’, an exhibition of Leandro Feal (Habana, 1986) and Taxio Ardanaz (Pamplona, 1978). It is the result of the work carried out during their artistic residence under the Azkuna Zentroa Amphitryon program, with the support of the Etxepare Basque Institute.

Azkuna Zentroa will inaugurate tomorrow February 16 ‘No one knows it all’, an exhibition of Leandro Feal (Habana, 1986) and Taxio Ardanaz (Pamplona, 1978). It is the result of the work carried out during their artistic residence under the Azkuna Zentroa Amphitryon program, with the support of the Etxepare Basque Institute.

Taxio Ardanaz carried out part of his residence in Cuba, while Leandro Feal developed his owned in Bilbao, as an exchange in collaboration with the Estudio Carlos Garaicoa´s ´Artista x Artista´ programme in La Habana. A new call for the program is now open; check all the details in this link.

The bipersonal exhibition ´No one knows it all´ offers a vision of La Habana from two very different points of view. Starting from the triumphant revolution of 1959, Leandro Feal explores media fascination with today´s Cuba through photographs. On the other hand, Taxio Ardanaz concentrates on the story the Revolution has built around its history, recording different historical monuments and spaces audiovisually and photographically, while transforming them into paintings, alongside a film, which will be premiered on May.

On the other hand, on February 15, they have organized a meeting with the artist Carlos Garaicoa and the visual residents of Amphitryon 2016 Taxio Ardanaz and Leandro Feal, in conversation with Ivan de la Nuez. They will talk about the development, producing and work-processes, helping us get into the exhibitions ´Urbann Epiphanies´ and ´No one knows it all´.

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