The Bernardo Atxaga Chair program continues in New York

Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.


The Bernardo Atxaga Chair program opened on October 5 at The Graduate Center of the City University of New York. In this framework, the Professor of the University of Massachusetts Amherst Jacqueline Urla and the Doctor and Professor at the University of Deusto Esti Amorrortu Gómez are teaching the seminar "Language Ideology and Political Practice in Basque Language Revival". The course studies issues such as the standardization of the Basque language or the efforts to achieve new speakers; ten  doctoral students in Linguistics, most of whom study Glotopolitics, are participating in the course. More details about the program.

Jose del Valle
, director of the Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Language program at The Graduate Center, presented the seminar on October 5.  First of all he praised the work done since 2012 by the Etxepare Basque Institute, and he thanked especially the effort and the proposals made during this time by Mari Jose Olaziregi, responsible for the Etxepare universities area.


The Bernardo Atxaga Chair program opened on October 5 at The Graduate Center of the CUNY, City University of New York. In this framework, the Professor of the University of Massachusetts Amherst Jacqueline Urla and the Doctor and Professor at the University of Deusto Esti Amorrortu Gómez are teachingtheseminar "Language Ideology and Political Practice in Basque Language Revival" . The course studies issues such as the standardization of the Basque language (Euskara), the efforts to achieve new speakers and the discourse about the language and its speakers; ten  doctoral students in Linguistics, most of whom study Glotopolitics, are participating in the course. More details about the program.

Jose del Valle
, director of the Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Language program at The Graduate Center, presented the seminar on October 5.  First of all he praised the work done since 2012 by the Etxepare Basque Institute, and he thanked especially the effort and the proposals made during this time by Mari Jose Olaziregi, responsible for the Etxepare universities area. Olaziregi herself also had the opportunity to show her appreciation to the CUNY for the magnificent welcome received both by teachers and by students at The Graduate Center.

In addition to the seminar, on October 7 Urla and Amorrortu will offer the conference "Becoming an active Speaker: the Case of Young New Speakers of Basque" at 18:30 at The Graduate Center.

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