Weiden poetry translation workshop: Eva Perez-Pons Andrade
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

20Oct 202225Oct 2022
Eva Perez Pons will return to the Sixth Weiden Poetry Translation Workshop, which will take place in Weiden from 20 to 25 October 2022. The translation workshop, which has been held annually since 2017, has set out to raise awareness of modern poetry in Basque, Galician and Catalan in other linguistic areas. She will also be in the presentation of Mintzalaguna Berlin project.
This year´s workshop will continue the work of 2021, so Lucía Aldao, Pol Guasch and Eva Perez-Pons will participate again and present more extracts of recent work. Alba Milà Garcia, 2022 holder of the Marià Villangómez Chair of Catalan Studies at the Institute of Applied Linguistics and Translatology (IALT) at the University of Leipzig, will introduce the theme with a keynote lecture on pragmatics in translation. The poems presented will be translated into several European languages. The participating translators are Eduard Bartoll Teixidor, Martí Freixas Cardona, Marcello Giugliano, Sheila Gondar Tubío, Constanze Gräsche, Amaia Orbe Barrio, Carsten Sinner and Nikola Vuletić.
The workshop is organised by Etxepare Basque Institute, the Chair of Ibero-Romanic Linguistics and Translation Studies of the Institute of Applied Linguistics and Translatology of the University of Leipzig, and this year has the support of the Institut Ramon Llull Catalan Cultural Institute, the Spanish Embassy in Berlin, the German Catalanist Association and the Marià Villangómez Visiting Chair of Catalan Studies of the University of Leipzig.
On the other hand, taking advantage of her stay in eastern Germany and the translation work of the last edition of the Weiden translation workshop, Eva Perez Pons will join the presentation of Mintzalaguna Berlin on Tuesday 25 October, an activity jointly organised by the lecturer of the University of Berlin (Maddalen Subijana) and the Basque teacher of the Euskal Etxea Berlin (Mikel Elgezabal), part of the Euskara Munduan teaching network.
Eva Perez-Pons Andrade is a Basque poet born in Lemoa. She has a degree in Industrial Electronics and Automatic Engineering from the UPV/EHU and studied a Master´s degree in Feminist and Gender Studies at the University of Deusto. She has collaborated with the digital magazine Klitto! and participates in both the LGTB movement and the antimilitarist movement. In 2020 she presented her first collection of poems: Zaharkitze programatua (Erein), with which she received the prize in the 12th edition of the Blas de Otero poetry competition. In the words of the author, Zaharkitze programatua is an exercise in sincerity. For Weiden she will bring precisely some verses from her first book and with them also the elements that are present throughout the book: the body and its vulnerability, the clash with the hetero-productive system, the eroticism between bodies and with the body itself.