University of Massachusetts Amherst: William Douglas Chair 2021
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

19Apr 202123Apr 2021
From 19 to 23 April, at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, lectures and seminars on bertsolaritza will be given by the bertsolari and anthropologist Miren Artetxe. The week-long seminar has been organised by the university´s Basque Cultural Studies department. Due to the COVID 19 situation, it will be held online.
The students will analyse the trajectory of bertsolaritza from the end of the Franco regime to the present day and will also carry out readings on the revitalisation of this discipline in recent decades. In addition, the documentary ´Bertsolari´ will be screened and a virtual seminar will be held with Doctor Miren Artetxe. This seminar will talk about the growing participation of women in this type of art and the space that young women in the North Basque Country have to talk about bertso-eskola.
The programme will focus on the evolution of bertsolaritza over the last few decades. They will talk about how the transition from the rural world to an urban or urban space has been carried out or how the space that used to be masculine has become a mixed space.
On the other hand, a special reading will take place on 22 April: ´Basque female Improvisational Poets: an auto-ethnographic Perspective´. This reading will focus on the importance of women in bertsolaritza.
Miren Artetxe is a bertsolari and PhD in Anthropology. In 2019 she finished her doctoral thesis at the University of the Basque Country, entitled ´Ipar Euskal Herriko Bertso-Eskoletako Hizkuntza Ibilbideak´. She is also the author of articles such as ´Hiztun berriak eta Bertso Mundua´ and ´Nouveaux locuteurs et milieu du bertsolarisme: Légitimation et remise en question´.