Call for applications now open for artist residency in Scotland

Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.


As part of their aim to support artists and encourage mobility and cultural and multidisciplinary exchange, Hospitalfield, CCA Glasgow and Tabakalera have set up an artistic residency programme in collaboration with the Etxepare Basque Institute and the British Council.

The goal of the program is to provide a shared area where various artists, stakeholders, and artistic projects can work together, with the aim of promoting collaboration between both resident and guest artists.

This call is aimed at artists working in the Basque Autonomous Community, Navarra and the French Basque Country (Communauté d´agglomération Pays Basque-Euskal Hirigune Elkargoa-Comunautat d´Aglomeracion Pais Basco) who wish to explore new artistic contexts in Scotland and extend their artistic pursuits.

The terms and conditions of the call can be consulted here. The deadline for submissions is 2 May. One project will be selected from among all the proposals received.

The eight-week residency from September to October 2023 will offer space, context and time for the artist to develop his or her project. The residency will consist of two parts: the selected artist will carry out part of the residency at Hospitalfield in September and will continue at CCA Glasgow in October.

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