Estibaliz Lizaso and Pol·len edicions awarded the Etxepare – LABORAL Kutxa Translation Prize 2024


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

The jury announced the winner of the tenth Etxepare – LABORAL Kutxa Translation Prize went to the Catalan edition of ‘Kontrako eztarritik’ (‘Reverso: Testimonios de mujeres bertsolaris’ in its Spanish title) an essay by author and bertsolari Uxue Alberdi. Estibaliz Lizaso translated the work from Basque into Catalan, and the Barcelona-based publishing house Pol·len edicions published the book under the title ‘Revers. Testimonis de dones bertsolaris’.

Both translator and publisher received the award today from the Basque Government´s Vice-President and Minister of Culture and Language Policy, Ibone Bengoetxea, at a ceremony held at the Bidebarrieta Central Library in Bilbao. Also attending the event were the author of the book, Uxue Alberdi, Etxepare Basque Institute director, Irene Larraza, and Jokin Gorriti, representing LABORAL Kutxa.

The Etxepare - LABORAL Kutxa Translation Prize, created in 2015 to recognize the best translation of a literary work originally written and published in Basque each year, values both the quality of the translation and the promotional efforts made by the publishing house.

The jury pointed out that ‘Revers. Testimonis de dones bertsolaris’ is ‘impeccable in every respect’ and that ‘the language used by the translator is genuine, fluid and fully effective in achieving the author´s intended purpose”. They also valued the fact that it is a direct translation from Basque to Catalan of a work that ‘contributes to the dissemination of bertsolaritza and questions gender roles’.

Regarding the publishing house, the jury underlined Pol·len edicions´ “commitment” to Basque literature, both for its contribution to the publication of works by Basque writers and for its work in their diffusion.

The jury of the tenth edition of the prize was made up of Jokin Gorriti, representing LABORAL Kutxa; Imanol Otaegi, Director for the Promotion and Dissemination of Basque Culture of the Etxepare Basque Institute; Elizabete Manterola, University of the Basque Country professor and member of  EIZIE (Association of Translators, Proofreaders and Interpreters of the Basque Language); Zuriñe Sanz, University of the Basque Country professor and member of  EIZIE; and June Monroy, Communication specialist at the Etxepare Basque Institute.

The Etxepare – LABORAL Kutxa Translation Prize

The Etxepare – LABORAL Kutxa Translation Prize was created in 2015 by the Etxepare Basque Institute and LABORAL Kutxa to recognise the translation of literary works originally written and published in Basque. Translation is the bridge that enables Basque writers and their work to reach an international audience. With this award, both organisations seek to shine a light on the often overlooked work of the translator, and to reward the commitment of publishers to the translation of literature in Basque.

The competition is open to translators and publishers from around the world, provided that they meet the following requirements: the translation must have been published in the previous year (2023 in this case), and it must be a translation of a literary work originally written and published in Basque.

The prize of 4,000 euros is awarded based of the quality of the translation and the publisher´s marketing efforts. Therefore, the prize is shared by the publisher and the translator. In addition to the prize money, the winners may receive up to an additional 2,000 euros to attend the award ceremony or to be allocated for promotional activities (such as presentations, advertising campaigns, etc.) in the country where the winning edition was published.

This award complements the Etxepare Basque Institute´s ongoing efforts to promote and spread Basque culture. In the field of literature, the Institute offers grants for translating works and literary samples into various languages, provides travel stipends for Basque writers, and actively promotes the involvement of Basque writers in international book fairs and literary festivals. With this award, LABORAL Kutxa reaffirms its ongoing support and commitment to the Basque language and culture.

Estibaliz Lizaso

Estibaliz Lizaso Lopetegui (Tolosa, 1984) is a translator and interpreter with extensive experience in the cultural sector, providing interpreting services between Basque and Catalan in events such as the Absolute Bertsolaris Championship, Kosmopolis 23. Poetry Slam. CCCB Rapsòdia submarina, and the Trobada de glosa i vers improvisat of Menorca. Thanks to her work, ´Kontrako eztarritik´ (´Reverso: Testimonios de mujeres bertsolaris´) has been translated into Catalan. She has also translated works by Angela Davis, Dashiell Hammet, Nicholas Blake and JK Rowling from English into Basque.

Pol·len edicions

Pol·len edicions is a Barcelona-based cooperative publishing house founded in 2011. The overarching theme that unifies the catalogue of two hundred works published by Pol·len edicions is critical thinking, with a particular focus on areas such as urban anthropology, feminism, ecology, photojournalism, poetry, and storytelling. Each year since 2012, Pol·len edicions translates works of Basque literature and thought into Catalan with the aim of fostering an intercultural connection between the two regions. Pol·len edicions has translated more works from Basque into Catalan than any other publisher. Its collection includes authors such as Miren Agur Meabe, Joseba Sarrionandia, Hakaitz Cano, Uxue Alberdi and Mari Luz Esteban, among others. En 2019 Pol·len edicions and translator Ainara Munt were awarded the Etxepare – LABORAL Kutxa Translation Prize for the Catalan edition of ‘Hilda dago poesia?’ (‘És morta la poesia?’) by Joseba Sarrionandia.

Previous winners:

Amaia Gabantxo and Parthian Books
‘Hezurren erretura’ (Miren Agur Meabe)

Mariolein Sabarte Belacortu and Zirimiri Press
‘Amek ez dute’ (Katixa Agirre)

Nami Kaneko and Shinchosha
‘Soinujolearen semea’ (Bernardo Atxaga)

Eider Rodriguez & Lander Garro and Literatura Random House
‘Bihotz Handiegia’ (Eider Rodriguez)

Ainara Munt and Pol·len edicions
‘Hilda dago poesia?’ (Joseba Sarrionandia)

Amaia Gabantxo and Center for Basque Studies
‘Harri eta Herri’ and ‘Maldan Behera’ (Gabriel Aresti)

Yaroslav Gubarev and Anetta Antonenko
‘Behi euskaldun baten memoriak’ (Bernado Atxaga)

Nami Kaneko and Hakusuisha
‘Mussche’ (Kirmen Uribe)

Isaac Xubín and Kalandraka
‘Tempo de exilio’ (Joseba Sarrionandia)
Poetry anthology

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