Harkaitz Zubiri to complete a research fellowship as part of the Alan R King Chair

Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.



The Etxepare Basque Institute and the University of Wales Trinity Saint David have awarded Harkaitz Zubiri the next visiting researcher/lecturer fellowship for the 2023 Alan R King Chair. The programme is an opportunity for a scholar to carry out academic and research activities in the field of Basque sociolinguistics and spend up to 6 weeks at the Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies (CAWCS). Zubiri will undertake various activities to promote Basque language learning in schools.

Zubiri’s Project is entitled: ‘Euskara ikasle guzti-guztien eskura. Hezkuntza Jarduera Arrakastatsuek modu eraginkorragoan sustatzen dute euskararen ikaskuntza ikastetxeetan / Solasaldi Literario Dialogikoak eta Talde Elkarreragileak. Ikastetxeetan euskararen ikaskuntza indartzeko jarduera arrakastatsuak’.

Launched in 2022, the aims of the Alan R King Chair are threefold: to establish a research-based pedagogical partnership in the fields of sociolinguistics, language planning and policy, literature, culture and languages between the Basque and Welsh contexts; to develop joint research in the field of intercultural communication between Wales and the Basque Country; and to share scientific information and linguistic, cultural and country policies.

Harkaitz Zubiri Esnaola holds a bachelor’s degree and a PhD in Sociology, as well as a bachelor´s degree in English Philology, a Teaching certificate, and a Diploma in Advanced Studies. Since 1999, he has been actively involved in the field of education and started his career as a teacher at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in 2007.

He is currently a lecturer at the Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology of the University of the Basque Country in the field of early teacher training for language learning. He is a member of the Department of Language and Literature Didactics.

His research focuses on overcoming educational inequalities, mainly in language learning; cultural habits and cultural policies; and gender violence and masculinities. Zubiri has published on these topics in both national and international scientific journals. He has also authored several books and book chapters.

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