NYC Basque Film Festival: ‘20000 Species of Bees’, ‘Lullaby’, ‘Arnasa betean’
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.
25Oct 202327Oct 2023
New York
Organized by the Delegation of the Basque Country to the United States with support from the Etxepare Basque Institute, this year’s NYC Basque Film Festival will be held from October 25th to 27th.
The festival brings Basque culture and cinema to the Big Apple, and its past editions have demonstrated a dedicated following for Basque culture and film.
For a few days, the Village East by Angelika will become a meeting point for the Basque community in New York City and anyone interested in learning more about the Basque language, culture and cinema. All films will be shown with the original soundtrack and include English subtitles.
Wednesday 25 October, 18:30 PM (GMT-4):
’20,000 Species of Bees (Estibaliz Urresola).
Venue: Village East by Angelika
Thursday 26 October, 18:30 PM (GMT-4):
‘Lullaby’ (Alauda Ruiz de Azua).
Venue: Village East by Angelika
Friday 27 October, 17:30 PM (GMT-4):
‘Arnas Betean: emakume zinegileak’ / ‘A Deep Breath, Women Filmmakers’ (Berta Gaztelumendi, Rosa Zufia).
Venue: CUNY Graduate Center
Free admission to all sessions. Book tickets here.