The University of Liverpool: Iberian and Latin American Week - ´Bizkarsoro´
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

27Sep 202404Oct 2024
Iberian and Latin American Studies at the University of Liverpool, founded in 1934 as the Department of Hispanic Studies, is one of the most renowned in the UK. This section strives tirelessly to continue disseminating the study of Hispanic languages and cultures both in British Academia and in the general public.
One of the department´s main activities to meet this goal is a week of cultural activities: the Iberian and Latin American Week. This week featured, in the past, young artists, film screenings, gastronomy, literature and music events, etc. All activities aim to spread Hispanic, Lusophone, Catalan, and Basque cultures among students and the general public.
Among the many activities organised, on October 4, at 16:00, there will be a screening of the film ´Bizkarsoro´ (2023, Josu Martinez). Five short stories set in the 20th century in an imaginary Basque-speaking village depict how, in just two generations, a culture and language passed down for thousands of years were nearly fully assimilated.