About the long shadow of the dictatorship, at the UPV-EHU
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.
On April 29, the XVI Seminar on Human Rights Training for educators was held in the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences of the UPV. This year, the seminar organized by the faculty itself and MHLI research group has addressed the issue of "The long shadow of the dictatorship: society, gender and school".
One of the speakers was Professor Pere Joan Tous, director of the readership of Basque language and culture of the Etxepare Basque Institute at the University of Constance (Germany). He offered the talk “Todo lejos, La memoria del miedo en la literatura sobre el franquismo” to close the seminar.
Previously, they also offered their talks the journalist and writer Arantza Urretabizkaia - "Diktadura zuri-beltzean" - and Professor of the UPV Hilario Murua -“Pasar ,más hambre que un Maestro de Escuelas, algo más que un refrán”-.
The directors of the seminar were Xabier Etxague Alcalde and Pío Pérez Aldasoro.