Alan R. King Chair: Imanol Larrea, Beatriz Chivite and Juan Kruz Igerabide
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

13Oct 2022
The opening ceremony of the Alan R. King Chair will be held on 13 October at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David in Wales. Participants will include Imanol Larrea, the Chair´s first researcher, and the writers Beatriz Chivite and Juan Kruz Igerabide.
The opening event will start at 4pm and go through the evening. Imanol Larrea Mendizabal will give a talk on Basque sociolinguistics entitled ´Sociolinguistic research to change linguistic habits in Euskal Herria: various experiences / Euskal Herria and Wales: building together sociolinguistic research to change linguistic habits´.
Imanol Larrea Mendizabal, director of the Technical Office of the Sociolinguistics Cluster, will present the work they are doing to change linguistic habits in Basque sociolinguistics, and provide insight to help understand the situation in the Basque Country.
Beatriz Chivite and Juan Kruz Igerabide will read their poems together with Welsh writers Aneirin Karadog and Ifor ap Glyn.
The Alan R. King Chair, launched in 2022, aims to promote research and academic collaboration in the fields of sociolinguistics, language planning and Basque and Welsh language policy, and to foster mutual understanding between the two languages and cultures