Basque Companies at the fair WOMEX, in Budapest


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

WOMEX, the largest international world´s music fair, opens its 21rt edition from 21 to 25 October, in Budapest (Hungary). Basque companies will attend the event with the support of Etxepare Basque Institute.

Basque music will have its own space at the fair, at the stand Basque Music, organized by Musika Bulegoa with the help of the Etxepare Basque Institute. In this stand, the companies Bidasoa Folk, BagaBiga Productions, Ttakun S.L., Korrontzi and Exib Musika will exhibit their work and hold meetings with professional agents worldwide.

WOMEX is an international networking platform for the music industry worldwide. The annual five-day event includes a bustling Trade Fair, a showcase festival, conference and film program and the festive opening ceremonies and awards. This year about 1470 companies and 2400 representatives from 90 different countries are expected.

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