Basque. Playlist. #3 - Oreka TX

Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.


Oreka TX was born in 1997 and since then, the group has been dedicated to researching and expanding the possibilities of the traditional Basque instrument, the txalaparta.

Oreka´s name, meaning ‘balance’ in Basque, perfectly encapsulates the essence of their music. Their work exemplifies the delicate equilibrium between tradition and contemporaneity, power and delicacy. TX refers to the txalaparta, a percussion instrument primarily constructed from wood with a strong connection to Basque culture and tradition. The instrument requires two people to play, fostering a musicality that encompasses active listening, dialogue, improvisation, and collaborative creation. Oreka TX experiments with the instrument’s musicality pushing the boundaries of percussion. They have used everything from the original wood to stone, and have played with other materials such as tiles, bamboo and ice.

OREKA TX is txalapartaris (txalaparta players) Harkaitz Martínez de San Vicente and Mikel Ugarte and musicians Mixel Ducau, Iñigo Egia and Juan José Otxandorena. Oreka TX has delighted audiences and earned praise from critics worldwide, thanks to the unique qualities of their instrument and the band’s infectious energy. They have worked with world-class musicians like Phil Cunningham, Ara Malikian, Manu Dibango, Aziza Brahim and Motoko Hirayama. In addition to musical fusion, the band creates innovative shows and experiments with other artistic disciplines such as dance, circus, audiovisuals and Basque rural sports.

Apart from their collaborations, accolades, and recognition, the Oreka TX group´s noteworthy international contribution to the promotion and innovation of Basque culture and tradition deserves special recognition.

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