Celebrating the World Book Day in the City of Literature. A chronicle by Mari Jose Olaziregi


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

“Krakow was designated the “City of Literature" by Unesco, and there is no doubt that the city that releases 27,000 books in Polish every year deserves that recognition. The Etxepare Basque Institute has travelled to the European Capital of Culture in 2000 in order to meet various associations , institutions and publishers, such as the Polish Book Institute , the famous publishing housel a5 or the renowned festival Krakowskie Biuro Festiwalowe, reponsible for the organization of so many festivals in the city .

Yesterday evening we celebrated the World Book Day at the Instituto Cervantes, invited by its director, Abel Murcia, Castilian translator of huge authors such as Szymborska , Kapuscinski or Lipska . There, the writer Eider Rodriguez offered a reading of her story " The Seed " accompanied on piano by Juantxo Zeberio . Both were brilliant in this marriage of music and literature they have created for the enjoyment of the audience. Our next appointments are today in Poznan, invited by Amaia Donés, lecturer at the University of Poznan, right at the university and also in a popular cafe in town. "

That was the chronicle sent from Krakow by Jose Mari Olaziregi , Director for the Promotion and Dissemination of Euskera in the Basque Institute Etxepare. But the Literary Springtime program that has driven them to Poland has just begun… check the full schedule here.

“Krakow was designated the “City of Literature " by Unesco, and there is no doubt that the city that releases 27,000 books in Polish every year deserves that recognition. The Etxepare Basque Institute has travelled to the European Capital of Culture in 2000 in order to meet various associations , institutions and publishers, such as the Polish Book Institute , the famous publishing house a5 or the renowned festival Krakowskie Biuro Festiwalowe, reponsible for the organization of so many festivals in the city .

Yesterday evening we celebrated the World Book Day at the Instituto Cervantes, invited by its director, Abel Murcia, Castilian translator of huge authors such as Szymborska , Kapuscinski or Lipska . There, the writer Eider Rodriguez offered a reading of her story " The Seed " accompanied on piano by Juantxo Zeberio . Both were brilliant in this marriage of music and literature they have created for the enjoyment of the audience. Our next appointments are today in Poznan, invited by Amaia Donés, lecturer at the University of Poznan, right at the university and also in a popular cafe in town. "

That was the chronicle sent from Krakow by Jose Mari Olaziregi , Director for the Promotion and Dissemination of Euskera in the Basque Institute Etxepare. But the Literary Springtime program that has driven them to Poland has just begun… check the full schedule here.

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