"Colores del sur" by Enrike Solinis album of the month in Toccata magazine


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

"Colores del sur" by Enrike Solinis & Euskal Barrokensemble has been chosen Album of the Month by the german music magazine Toccata. This work is based on southern barroque music and it is performed by the Basque guitar player and some of the musicians of Euskal Barrokensemble, created by him in 2006.

"Colores del sur" by Enrike Solinis & Euskal Barrokensemble has been chosen Album of the Month by the german music magazine Toccata. This work is based on southern barroque music and it is performed by the Basque guitar player and some of the musicians of Euskal Barrokensemble, created by him in 2006.

In the year 2013, Solinis did an international tour supported by Etxepare Insitute, playing concerts at different countries (France, Germany, Canada, Austria, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Cuba…), and receiving really good critics from the audience.

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