Last days to sign up for the Excellence in Basque Studies summer course


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

There is barely a week left before the start of the Bikaintasuna Euskal Ikasketetan (Excellence in Basque Studies) summer course, which means only a few days before the registration deadline. This year´s edition will be held at the Miramar Palace in San Sebastian on 11 and 12 July under the title ´Egon eta egin, sustraiak sendotuz aurrera begira´, and the participants will be able to sign up until the 10th. Participants will reflect on the efforts made so far in the teaching of Basque language and culture and how to face new challenges.

The aim of this course is to reinforce training among current and future Basque language assistants, with the participation of experts in different fields related to the Basque language and culture. The list of speakers includes Garbiñe Iztueta Goizueta, Director of Promotion and Dissemination of Basque at the Etxepare Basque Institute; Maite Goñi Eizmendi, digital transformation advisor; Joseba Sarrionandia Uribelarrea, writer and teacher; and Xabier Paya, bertsolari and translator. You can find the full programme online

This year’s summer course will look both backwards and forwards. Participants will reflect on what has been done so far in the teaching of Euskara and Basque culture and look to the future with a view to facing new challenges.

The Etxepare Basque Institute aims to promote and disseminate the Basque language and culture abroad. It currently has 35 lectureship programmes in universities outside the Basque Country, with 28 Basque language and culture assistants. In addition, the Institute has created twuelve chairs in as many universities.

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