
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

The University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) has just published the book OROIMENAREN LEKUAK ETA LEKUKOAK Gerra Zibilaren errepresentazio artistikoak versus kontaera historiko-politikoa, promoted by the the Historical Memory Research Group in the Iberian Literatures (MHLI) and with the support of the Etxepare Basque Institute, The Basque Language Service of the UPV-EHU and the  Mikel Laboa Chair. The researchers Lourdes Otaegi and Izaro Arroita and the director of the MHLI Group Mari Jose Olaziregi presented the publication today in Donostia, at the headquarters of the Etxepare Institute, accompanied by other members of the research group. "We have chosen an open area of work, the analysis of the artistic performances and the historical-political discourses on the Civil War, considering venues recreated in art, historiography and political memory," noted Otaegi .

Taking into account various areas of knowledge and social manifestations –history, politics, arts- the objective of this work has been to put face to face different speeches created in Euskal Herria about the Civil War; two main axes have been taken as a starting point: the symbols that can be considered as sites of memory and testimony.


The University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) has just published the book OROIMENAREN LEKUAK ETA LEKUKOAK Gerra Zibilaren errepresentazio artistikoak versus kontaera historiko-politikoa, promoted by the the Historical Memory Research Group in the Iberian Literatures (MHLI) and with the support of the Etxepare Basque Institute, The Basque Language Service of the UPV-EHU and the  Mikel Laboa Chair. The researchers Lourdes Otaegi and Izaro Arroita and the director of the MHLI Group Mari Jose Olaziregi presented the publication today in Donostia, at the headquarters of the Etxepare Institute, accompanied by other members of the research group. "We have chosen an open area of work, the analysis of the artistic performances and the historical-political discourses on the Civil War, considering venues recreated in art, historiography and political memory," noted Otaegi .

Taking into account various areas of knowledge and social manifestations –history, politics, arts- the objective of this work has been to put face to face different speeches created in Euskal Herria about the Civil War; two main axes have been taken as a starting point: the symbols that can be considered as sites of memory and testimony.

The authors of the selected items are professors and researchers, both from the University of the Basque Country and foreign universities. Overall, contributions can be classified into two groups: the first analyzes concrete historical and political figures such as Manuel Iruxo or Estepan Urkiaga "Lauaxeta". The first article is the work of the politician Josu Erkoreka, and studies the strong position of Iruxo against his own death penalty; Inazio Mujika Iraola offers an annotated edition of the last poems written by "Lauaxeta" in prison, in Gasteiz. The historian Ludger Mees makes a critical reflection on the memory of the gudaris, and Joxean Fernandez, director of the Basque Film Archive and professor at the University of Nantes synthesizes the film production on the image of the war projected by the Basques. Moreover, several MHLI group members have analyzed in detail the treatment given to the Civil War in the field of artistic production.

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