The Course "Understanding texts written in Basque", aimed at foreign teachers, begins at the Maizpide Barnetegi


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

The course for foreign teachers for the proper understanding and interpretation of texts written in Basque kicked off on Monday at the Maizpide Euskaltegi-Barnetegi (Basque Language School) in Lazkao. In this training period, which will run until July 11, students will learn the keys to successfully read texts written in Basque. For the first time, this course will be approved by the Basque Government entity HABE.

This course has been organized at the proposal of the Etxepare Basque Institute, which echoes the request made by Mario Santana, Professor of Linguistics at the University of Chicago and senior researcher in the field of Spanish literature, Basque, Galician and Catalan. Santana himself is one of the students in the course, and is not the sole representative of the university, since Joshua Baker is also in Lazkao as an student of the course. David Colbert, expert narrative of the Iberian Peninsula and Basque literature and film professor and Sewanee University in Tenneesee, is also participating, as well as Xavier Espejo-Vadillo, (Chicago Authority Public Schools). Eva Michelle Wheeler of the University of California Santa Barbara, who has also traveled to Lazkano due to the program, is also studying Basque language at the barnetegi.


The course for foreign teachers for the proper understanding and interpretation of texts written in Basque kicked off on Monday at the Maizpide Euskaltegi-Barnetegi (Basque Language School) in Lazkao. In this training period, which will run until July 11, students will learn the keys to successfully read texts written in Basque. For the first time, this course will be approved by the Basque Government entity HABE.

This course has been organized at the proposal of the Etxepare Basque Institute, which echoes the request made by Mario Santana, Professor of Linguistics at the University of Chicago and senior researcher in the field of Spanish literature, Basque, Galician and Catalan. Santana himself is one of the students in the course, and is not the sole representative of the university, since Joshua Baker is also in Lazkao as an student of the course. David Colbert, expert narrative of the Iberian Peninsula and Basque literature and film professor and Sewanee University in Tenneesee, is also participating, as well as Xavier Espejo-Vadillo, (Chicago Authority Public Schools). Eva Michelle Wheeler of the University of California Santa Barbara, who has also traveled to Lazkano due to the program, is also studying Basque language at the barnetegi.

The course is using original Basque texts and the work is mainly based on inductive reasoning. In addition, students attend a daily workshop with colleagues from other courses and optional agenda: Basque dances, songs Basque, Basque culture...

Specialized in adult Basque language teaching, Maizpide center was founded in 1988, but its history goes back to 1982. As a result of their work and success, the Basque Government created in 1988 the infrastructure for the center to accommodate students in a more comfortable and effective way. In more than 25 years of experience, over 20,000 people have learned Basque at this center and in recent years it has also opened its borders to North and South America through online courses within the program Euskara Munduan (Basque Language in the world) of the Basque Government.

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