Toronto International Festival of Authors: Danele Sarriugarte, Miren Amuriza and Uxue Alberdi
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

22Sep 202202Oct 2022
The Toronto International Festival of Authors will be held from 22 September to 2 October with the presence of Danele Sarriugarte, Miren Amuriza and Uxue Alberdi.
On 28 september, 6.00pm, Bertsolaritza? The original poetry slam! event will be held at the Harbourfront Centre in Toronto.
On 30 September, at 2.30 p.m., a round table discussion entitled´ World in Other Words: Basque Writers in Conversation´ at will be held also at the Harbourfront Centre.
In addition to Basque literature and language, the symposium will centre around the power and creative capacity of language, focusing on the spoken, written and translated word.
This internationally acclaimed annual fair was first held in 1980 to bring together the world’s leading writers of contemporary literature. The event includes readings, interviews, round tables and discussions, among other activities. Several distinguished prizes are awarded during the festival.