10 years promoting Basque language, culture and creation internationally
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.
Ten years ago, on October 29th, 2010, the Etxepare Basque Institute – named after the author of the first book published in Basque – officially opened its doors with the aim of working with local and international stakeholders to promote the Basque language, culture and creative talent. The idea was to build lasting relationships with other countries and cultures, shining a light on each other’s cultural richness and creating new opportunities.
Etxepare’s activities include promoting international cultural exchanges and quality artistic activities, encouraging mobility among creators, artists and professionals in the cultural sectors, promoting the translation of Basque literature and teaching Basque language and culture. Over the past 10 years the Institute has made numerous friends in both the cultural and academic fields.
To mark its tenth anniversary, the Tabakalera centre in San Sebastian hosted an institutional event attended by the Etxepare team and governing bodies, representing Basque culture, universities and public institutions.
At the event, director Irene Larraza recalled the institution´s history, but more importantly she wanted to turn the floor over to the people who have been promoting Basque language and culture internationally over these past 10 years. Eleven chairs from around the world represented the eleven protagonists whose stories were heard, accompanied by a live performance directed by Sra. Polaroiska.
With these 11 testimonies, and under the motto “Kultura gureagoa da partekatzen dugunean” (Culture is more ours when we share it), the Etxepare Basque Institute will launch a campaign in December aimed at highlighting the importance of sharing and making our language, culture and creation known. Over the next two weeks, the public is invited to follow the campaign on social media and other media outlets. Visit www.etxepare.eus/10urte to learn about the experiences and stories of these people.
In addition, the 11 chairs (from theatres, cinemas, exhibition halls, festivals and universities) that have allowed people to enjoy the Basque language, culture and creation in different parts of the world will be on display on the 3rd floor of Tabakalera, just opposite the offices of Etxepare. Visitors can listen to the thoughts of the 11 protagonists by scanning a QR code for each of the chairs.