2019 in numbers: Literature and Translation

Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.


Year after year the Etxepare Basque Institute works with different tools to bring international recognition and exposure to Basque creativity across artistic disciplines. In 2019, for instance, we supported a total of 832 activities though mobility grants. One of the disciplines that received support was Literature and Translation.

Basque literature is rich and varied. Therefore, to reach a broad audience, every year the Institute promotes Basque writers and their work. To this end, we carry out specific projects, such as ‘Basque windows’ at international fairs and festivals, mobility grants and activities to promote the translation of literary works, among others.

In order to shine an international spotlight on Basque literature, the Etxepare Basque Institute promotes the participation of Basque writers in festivals and literary programs around the world. This year, Basque authors have been to a total of 11 festivals, including the Kerala Literature Festival in India (Harkaitz Cano), the Hay Festival Querétaro (Leire Bilbao) and the International Short Story Festival in Wroclaw (Ana Malagón). In addition, every year the Institute provides financial support for travel expenses for Basque writers, illustrators, translators and publishers so that they can participate in international events by offering book presentations, conferences or similar initiatives. In 2019, a total of 16 grants for travel expenses were awarded for a total of €7,288.

In addition, the Institute promotes the translation of Basque literature into other languages. We see this as magnificent way to promote homegrown creativity at the international level. Six works of Basque literature were translated in 2019. Etxepare also offers translation grants: last year the Institute subsidized 14 translations (13 of them from Basque), for a total of €33,346. Lastly, every year the Institute joins forces with LABORAL Kutxa to award the Etxepare - LABORAL Kutxa Translation Award to translators and publishers of books translated from Basque. In 2019 the winners were Ainara Munt and the Pol·len publishing house for the translation and publication in Catalan of Hilda dago poesia? by Sarrionandia.

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