"Amama", "Jai Alai Blues", "Gure Sor Lekuaren bila" and "Pikadero", winners at the festival Zinemaldia.Cat

Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.


The Basque film festival Zinemaldia.Cat, organized every year with the support of the Etxepare Basque Institute, has closed its 11th edition in the awards ceremony held on Sunday 21 February in Barcelona. Among the 12 audiovisual works audiovisual works submitted to the Official Selection, the winners have been Amama, Jai Alai Blues and Gure Sor Lekuaren bila; Pikadero has received the Special Jury Prize.
The festival brings annually the Basque cinema to Catalonia and organizes a cultural program that includes activities of all kinds and for all ages, as well as screenings. It has two official sections: documentary and fiction.

Jai Alai Blues, of Gorka Bilbao, was the work that won the Golden Txapela- Euskadi Basque Country in the documentary section; the prize was given by the representative of the Etxepare Institute. The winning film in the fiction section, however, was Amama by Asier Altuna. In addition, the short film shot in Basque by Ben Sharrock Pikadero got an special mention. Finally, the Azkue Fundazioa Award for the Best Film in Euskera was for the documentary Gure Sor Lekuaren bila of Josu Martinez.

The jury was composed by Pere Vall ( "frames"), Patricia Bonet (Catalan Films), Agustí Argelich (Filmets) Esparbé Miki (actor) eta Melina Matthews (actress).

The Basque film festival Zinemaldia.Cat, organized every year with the support of the Etxepare Basque Institute, has closed its 11th edition in the awards ceremony held on Sunday 21 February in Barcelona. Among the 12 audiovisual works audiovisual works submitted to the Official Selection, the winners have been Amama, Jai Alai Blues and Gure Sor Lekuaren bila; Pikadero has received the Special Jury Prize.
The festival brings annually the Basque cinema to Catalonia and organizes a cultural program that includes activities of all kinds and for all ages, as well as screenings. It has two official sections: documentary and fiction.

Jai Alai Blues, of Gorka Bilbao, was the work that won the Golden Txapela- Euskadi Basque Country in the documentary section; the prize was given by the representative of the Etxepare Institute. The winning film in the fiction section, however, was Amama by Asier Altuna. In addition, the short film shot in Basque by Ben Sharrock Pikadero got an special mention. Finally, the Azkue Fundazioa Award for the Best Film in Euskera was for the documentary Gure Sor Lekuaren bila of Josu Martinez.

The jury was composed by Pere Vall ( "frames"), Patricia Bonet (Catalan Films), Agustí Argelich (Filmets) Esparbé Miki (actor) eta Melina Matthews (actress).

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