Cultural programmers from Aquitaine visit festivals in the Basque Country
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.
The project continues to promote cross-border relationships between producers and cultural stakeholders in the Basque Country and the Aquitaine region of France. In order to showcase Basque productions in Aquitaine, several cultural programmers have visited Basque festivals in recent months.
The play “Soka”, by Tanttaka Teatroa, was performed in March at dFERIA festival with French subtitles so that it could be understood by French programmers.
Likewise, within the framework of this project, programmers from Aquitaine visited the Umore Azoka festival in Leioa (May 18-21) to meet theatre companies and watch their plays. Bruno Brisson, programmer at the Festival de la Musique à la Rue and the director of the Fest´Arts festival of Libourne, among others, visited the festival. Other programmers, such as the French-Basque Filgie Claverie, also attended the fair.
The project, created in 2016 by the Nouvelle Aquitaine-Euskadi-Navarre Euroregion, the Etxepare Basque Institute and Euskal Kultur Erakundea (Basque cultural institute), will be echoed at Fest´Arts festival in Libourne where two Basque companies will participate: KipiqA Cpllective and Proyecto Larrua.