Eduardo Chillida Chair 2022: Christian Berger
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

11Apr 2022
The Eduardo Chillida Chair will commence on 11 April. The chair at Goethe Universitat Frankfurt am Main in Germany, promoted by the Etxepare Basque Institute, is intended for both undergraduate and undergraduate students. Christian Berger, researcher and professor at Johannes Gutenberg University, will be this year´s guest lecturer. The programme will open on 11 April with a lecture and will conclude in July with a workshop led by Berger. Topics discussed will include sculpture and monuments.
The seminar slated for Monday, 11 April, is entitled ´In Ermanglung einer besseren Bezeichnung - Positionen zum Skulpturbegriff seit den 1960er Jahren´, in which Berger will reflect on the different attitudes towards sculpture since the 1960s.
He will also give a seminar for postgraduate students entitled ´Monumente in der zeitgenössischen Kunst´, or ´Monuments in contemporary art´.
The July workshop will focus on monuments and mobility.
The Eduardo Chillida Chair at Goethe Universität in Frankfurt, Germany, is one of the nine chairs maintained by Etxepare at universities around the world. Launched in 2012, the aim of the Eduardo Chillida Chair is to promote specialised teaching and research in 20th and 21st century Basque art in the international context. The chair is based at the Institute of Art History, Goethe University Frankfurt, and the classes are part of the university’s Curatorial Studies programme. Each year, a distinguisehd researcher is invited as as guest lecturer.