Etxepare-LABORAL Kutxa Tanslation Prize call for submissions


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

The Etxepare-LABORAL Kutxa Translation Prize was created in 2015 to reward the translation of original works of literature written and published in Basque. The translations are a tool for Basque writers to achieve greater readership internationally and the awards seek to recognize and value the hard work of translators.

The Etxepare-LABORAL Kutxa Translation Prize was created in 2015 to reward the translation of original works of literature written and published in Basque. The translations are a tool for Basque writers to achieve greater readership internationally and the awards seek to recognize and value the hard work of translators.

Translators and publishers from around the world can submit their work provided they meet the following requirements: translations must have been published in 2017 and must be the translation of a literary work written and originally published in Euskera. Applications can be submitted by translators, publishers or by any other individual or legal entity promoting the art of literary translation.

The prize awards 4,000 euros based on the quality of the translation and the publisher’s promotional efforts and is therefore shared by the publisher and the translator. The winners may receive an additional €2,000 euros to attend the awards ceremony or to continue promoting the work (presentations, advertising campaigns, etc.) in the country where the award-winning work was published.

The registration period will be open until June 29th and the winners will be announced on October 1st, the day after International Translation Day. The jury will be made up of a professional translator and representatives from the Etxepare Basque Institute and LABORAL Kutxa.

This award is yet another effort by the Etxepare Institute aimed at raising the profile of Basque culture. In the field of literature, in addition to awarding translation and travel grants for Basque writers, the Institute encourages the participation of Basque writers in book fairs and international literary festivals. Through this award, LABORAL Kutxa continue its commitment to Basque language and culture.

Eligibility and rules for the Etxepare Basque Institute-LABORAL Kutxa Translation Prize will be posted on on June 4th.



Isaac Xubín and Kalandraka publishers
Tempo de exilio (Joseba Sarrionandia)
Poetry anthology

Nami Kaneko and Hakusuisha publishers
Mussche / Lo que mueve el mundo (Kirmen Uribe)

Yaroslav Gubarev and Anetta Antonenko publishers
Behi euskaldun baten memoriak / Memorias de una vaca (Bernado Atxaga)

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