Euskaraldia 2020
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.
20Nov 202004Dec 2020Worldwide
The members of the Etxepare Basque Institutute will also take part in Euskaraldaia, an exercise of living in Basque for two weeks, between November 20th and December 4th. During those 14 days, all workers will be Ahobizi and will have 8 Arigune areas.
Tomorrow Euskaraldia begins. This initiative, which will take place between November 20th and December 4th in hundreds of municipalities throughout the Basque Country, aims to influence linguistic habits to promote the use of Basque. Basically, the objective of Euskaraldia is to make a concerted effort to use the Basque language for 14 days so that at the end of this exercise it becomes a habit.
This year, for the first time, there will be Arigune areas, places to speak in Basque with peace of mind, guaranteeing the possibility of doing so at all times. The individual decides to have Ahobizi or Belarriprest in the Arigune. Ahobizi is the person who has undertaken to speak in Basque at all times, while Belarriprest will always ask others to speak in Basque, even if they do not speak it.
The Etxepare Basque Institute will assume the role of Ahobizi when attending to the public, dealing with suppliers, in project meetings with other stakeholders and in all areas of daily work.
International promotion of Euskaraldia
Beyond the Basque geographical area, the Euskal Etxepare Institutua will also disseminate this collective exercise in the international network of lectures and in the Euskal Etxeak, adapting it to the local situation in order to promote the use of the Basque language by those who learn Basque all over the world and take it beyond the classroom.
The work of these ambassadors will be seen from the 20th of November, as they have organized dozens of activities to promote the use of Basque in their respective fields and to activate Basque language students.
Sign in!
Until November 20th, anyone interested in participating in Euskaraldia can register here.