FIL Guadalajara: Miren Agur Meabe
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

26Nov 202204Dec 2022
The writer Miren Agur Meabe will present her novel ´Quema de huesos´ at the Guadalajara International Book Fair (FIL) and will feature in several activities in the official programme. She will also take part in a parallel activity in Jalisco organised around the fair. This is one of the most important publishing gatherings in Ibero-American literature, each year bringing together hundreds of authors and several thousand professionals and readers.
Meabe will participate in the following presentations in Mexico:
- 28 November, 7:00pm. Poetry room, upper floor, Expo Guadalajara. Presentation in conversation with Rocío Cerón.
- 29 November, 11:00am. Echoes of FIL. Preparatoria de Jalisco.
- 30 November, 7:00pm.Hall E, International Area, Expo Guadalajara. Presentation of the novel Quema de Huesos.
Published by Consonni, ´Quema de huesos´ is Meabe’s most recent book, written in Basque and translated into Spanish by the author herself, a highly acclaimed name in the world of Basque language literature. The novel tells the story of how a woman in her middle age searches through memories – school days, family atmosphere, games, adolescent activities... – for traces of her personality.
Miren Agur Meabe (Lekeitio, 1962) writes for both adult and young adult readers. Among other accolades, she has received the Critics´ Prize for her poetry collections ‘Azalaren kodea’ in 2001 (El código de la piel) and ‘Bitsa eskuetan’ in 2011 (Espuma en las manos), as well as the Euskadi Prize for Young People´s Literature on three occasions. Her novel ‘Kristalezko begi bat’ (Un ojo de cristal) has been translated into several languages. In 2020 he published the collection of poems ´Nola gorde errautsa kolkoan´ (Cómo guardar ceniza en el pecho), winner of the National Poetry Prize in 2021. Throughout her career she has taken part in numerous international meetings, including the Dublin Writers Festival (2003), XXI Vilenica Literary Festival (Slovenia, 2006), Edinburgh Festival (2007 and 2019), Basque Studies Center of Santa Barbara and Reno (2008), Frankfurt Book Fair (2009), Reading Month Festival Central Europe (2016), Miami Book Fair (2016), Hay Festival (Arequipa-Peru, 2018), European Day of Languages (Cervantes-Paris, 2019), Ibero-American Congress in New Delhi (2019), Transpoésie (Brussels, 2020), among others. She is also a literary translator and has translated Iranian poet Forough Farrokhzad and Rwandan novelist Skolastique Mukasonga into Basque, in addition to a long list of works for children and young adults. Meabe has also translated Miren Amuriza´s ‘Basa’, also published by Consonni, into Spanish.
To raise the profile of literary creation in Basque, since 2011 the Etxepare Basque Institute has been supporting some of the most outstanding writers in the Basque language at the FIL, one of the most important international events in the sector, offering Mexican and international audiences an opportunity to discover a unique literature that has achieved notable success in recent years. This year, Miren Agur Meabe takes over from names such as Uxue Alberdi, Kirmen Uribe, Arantxa Urretabizkaia, Bernardo Atxaga, Karmele Jaio, Harkaitz Cano, Anjel Lertxundi and Eider Rodriguez.