Frank Bidart Chair 2022: Arkkuso and Ekintaekin
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

04Dec 202205Dec 2022
As part of the opening day of the Frank Bidart Chair, several interviews will be conducted on the Twitch live-streaming platform on 4 and 5 December. Streamers Iruñe Astitz (ARKKUSO) and Eneko Oroz (Ekintaekin) will interview the writer Miren Agur Meabe and Etxepare Basque Institute Director Irene Larraza, as well as Amaia Gabantxo and Sabrina Otaegi. The activity is promoted jointly by California State University Bakersfield and the Etxepare Basque Institute.
The interviews on Twitch will be livestreamed from California on 4 December at 12:00 (21:00pm in the Basque Country) on Eneko Oroz´s channel ( and on 5 December, at 12:00 (21:00pm in the Basque Country) on Iruñe Astiz´s channel (
Known as Arkkuso on social networks, Iruñe Astitz Larunbe is one of the digital creators who will direct the Twitch programme. Astitz generates content on several platforms including Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Twitch.
Eneko Oroz will be the second interviewer. He is also a creator of content on various platforms, although he is mainly active on Twitch, where he talks about a variety of topics under the name Ekintaekin.
Both talk about culture, current affairs, social networks or series and films, among other topics.
The Frank Bidart Chair was created in 2022 at the Institute for Basque Studies at California State University Bakersfield to promote research projects related to culture and art and to develop creative projects. The selected expert or creator will carry out a one-month placement for his or her research or creation.
Click here for the full programme for the opening day.