Leaning out the window of communication and lack of communication with Kukai in Buenos Aires


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

Dancing, singing, shouting; leading to talks by silence, swimming in monologues; even violating the boundaries between people and art practices. This is the way  the Arriaga Theatre and Kukai Dantza and Tanttaka Teatroa companies made up the show Communication-Lack of Communication (Komunikazioa-Inkomunikazioa); peeking, like Mikel Laboa used to do, into the inspiring dichotomy between communication and isolation. This bewitching show will soon travel to Argentina: thanks to the agreement signed between the Etxepare Basque Institute and the Buenos Aires Theatre Complex in Buenos Aires, the play will be performed on 22, 23 and 24 August at the Teatro Regio.

Besides, Kukai does not plan to come back from Argentina straight away: afterwards, the company will tour in several Argentinian cities, representing the show Gelajauziak, a work based on Basque traditional dance they have created along with the great choreographer Cesc Gelabert. Check the dates and places:  Tucuman (August 27), Salta (August 29) Jujuy (August 31), Corrientes (September 3), Resistencia (September 4), Chaco (September 6) and Santa Fe (September 7).



Dancing, singing, shouting; leading to talks by silence, swimming in monologues; even violating the boundaries between people and art practices. This is the way  the Arriaga Theatre and Kukai Dantza and Tanttaka Teatroa companies made up the show Communication-Lack of Communication (Komunikazioa-Inkomunikazioa); peeking, like Mikel Laboa used to do, into the inspiring dichotomy between communication and isolation. This bewitching show will soon travel to Argentina: thanks to the agreement signed between the Etxepare Basque Institute and the Buenos Aires Theatre Complex in Buenos Aires, the play will be performed on 22, 23 and 24 August at the Teatro Regio.

Besides, Kukai does not plan to come back from Argentina straight away: afterwards, the company will tour in several Argentinian cities, representing the show Gelajauziak, a work based on Basque traditional dance they have created along with the great choreographer Cesc Gelabert. Check the dates and places:  Tucuman (August 27), Salta (August 29) Jujuy (August 31), Corrientes (September 3), Resistencia (September 4), Chaco (September 6) and Santa Fe (September 7).


Photos: Komunikazioa-Inkomunikazioa. Author: Gorka Bravo

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