"Luoghi, sensi... nel viaggio", the poems by Jose Angel Irigaray, in Italian


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

The publisher Peronisi Editore has recently released a book based on poems by the known Basque Jose Angel Irigaray, translated into Italian: Luoghi, sensi… nel viaggio”

 The book has gathered about 30 poems, some of them old and previously published ones and some other new ones. The author has selected the most appropriate ones to publish his poetry in Italian. This is a bilingual edition, in original version –euskara, Basque language-  and Italian, following the idea that poetry should be disclosed in the original version , although the language is unknown to the reader.

Although he was a doctor, Irigaray also worked as coordinator of cultural activities of the Kafe Antzokia of Bilbao , was part of the group Ez Dok Hamairu , and today is a member of the Oteiza Foundation and Euskaltzaindia. He is also known for his writings and poems, and the songwriter Benito Lertxundi has converted to music some of them : Urak dakarrena , Oi Soule !, Orbaizetako olaren kantua weapon and Bizkaia maite ...

The publisher Peronisi Editore has recently released a book based on poems by the known Basque Jose Angel Irigaray, translated into Italian: Luoghi, sensi… nel viaggio”

 The book has gathered about 30 poems, some of them old and previously published ones and some other new ones. The author has selected the most appropriate ones to publish his poetry in Italian. This is a bilingual edition, in original version –euskara, Basque language-  and Italian, following the idea that poetry should be disclosed in the original version , although the language is unknown to the reader.

Although he was a doctor, Irigaray also worked as coordinator of cultural activities of the Kafe Antzokia of Bilbao , was part of the group Ez Dok Hamairu , and today is a member of the Oteiza Foundation and Euskaltzaindia. He is also known for his writings and poems, and the songwriter Benito Lertxundi has converted to music some of them : Urak dakarrena , Oi Soule !, Orbaizetako olaren kantua weapon and Bizkaia maite ...

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