Opowiadania Short Story Festival: Uxue Apaolaza
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.
04Sep 2021Wroclaw
Uxue Apaolaza is the guest Basque writer at this year´s Opowiadania Short Story Festival in Wroclaw. She will be reading two stories in Wroclaw on September 4th at 6pm. One is entitled ´Beldurrezko nobela amerikanoa idatzi nahi nuen´, and the other, ´Bueltak´. Apaolaza will read her work in Basque and the participants will be able to follow with translations into Polish on a screen.
The Opowiadania International Short Story Festival is a celebration of short prose that seeks to promote ambitious projects. It focuses on unusual narrative forms, examines the influence of literature on other art forms and encourages interaction between authors and audiences, while fostering the exchange of experiences between Polish and non-Polish authors.
Uxue Apaolaza Larrea (1981, Hernani) holds a degree in History. She has published a book of short stories (Umeek gezurra esaten dutenetik, 2005, Erein) and a novel (Mea culpa, 2011, Elkar). The first was published in Spanish and Catalan by Godall publishers. Her stories have been published in several anthologies: ´Ultrasounds: Basque women writers on motherhood´ (2014, University of Nevada), ´Pomes perdudes: Antologia de narrativa basca moderna´ (Tigre de Paper, 2014) and ´Leyendo - once escritos literarios sobre la lectura´ (2018, Meettok). Apaolaza has contributed to various types of media in the Basque Country. She teaches Basque to adults and also works as a translator.