TIFF: Basque. Audiovisual
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.
07Sep 202317Sep 2023
Three Basque productions will take part in the Do it the Spanish Way! International Co-production Forum’ at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) with support from the ‘Basque. Audiovisual’ platform.
The co-production forum is organised by ICEX-CECO and ICAA (Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales). With the support of the Etxepare Basque Institute, BASQUE. AUDIOVISUAL. encourages the participation of Basque audiovisual professionals in global markets while advocating for co-productions and distribution of Basque ventures.
The three Basque projects to be presented at the forum are currently in the development phase. Two of them (‘Kresal usaina’ and ‘Sacamantecas’) have been selected for pitching sessions.
- ‘Kresal Usaina’ (El olor a salitre), Eiande Setoain (En buen sitio + Orreaga Filmak).
The Arpiz must go through the most important duel of their lives after a devastating accident. A cold and worn relationship between Josu and Xabier, father and eldest son, and the jealousy and confrontation between Xabier and Hugo, a younger brother with autism, for the love of Enara, threaten to make it impossible. Hugo´s drawings and his devotion to the cinema will bring a glimmer of light and some hope in the lives of this broken family.

- ‘Sacamantecas’, David Perez Sañudo (Amania Films).
The feature film tells the story of "Sacamantecas", the serial killer of Vitoria-Gasteiz.

- ‘Black Water’ Natxo Leunza (En buen sitio).
By the year 2050, Bangladesh will have approximately 220 million inhabitants and a large part of its territory will be permanently submerged. This could result in the forced displacement of between 10 and 30 million people from the country’s southern coastline, forcing many Bangladeshis to flee the country as “climate refugees”, a human group that is expected to reach 250 million people worldwide by mid-century. On a planetary scale, we are talking about the largest mass migration in human hist.