´Travelling poets´: Basque and Galician poetry at Santiago de Compostela


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

The ´Poeta ibiltariak’ project was continued on Thursday June 16 in the Council of Galician Culture of Santiago de Compostela, creating a dialogue between the Basque and Galician languages. The protagonists of this meeting between the two languages were the poets Leire Bilbao, Miren Agur Meabe, Felipe Juaristi (who could not attend the event but was present in his poems), Gonzalo Hermo, Manuel Rivas and Dolores Tembrás.

The proposal started with poetry of Leire Bilbao and Miren Agur Meabe (which also recited verses of Felipe Juaristi), followed by the Galician poets Gonzalo Hermo, Manuel Rivas and DoloresTembrás. They recited in their respective languages almost thirty poems, some of them unpublished. The event was presented by the writer and member of the Department of Language, Literature and Communication GCC Angel Angueira, who highlighted the lush relationship between language and culture.

The recital is inserted under the "Travelling poets" project, which began last spring in Barcelona with a first meeting between the Basque and Catalan. The proposal will continue in the coming months Euskadi. On the other hand, they have published a book with a selection of five poems by each poet translated into two languages.

The ´Poeta ibiltariak’ project was continued on Thursday June 16 in the Council of Galician Culture of Santiago de Compostela, creating a dialogue between the Basque and Galician languages. The protagonists of this meeting between the two languages were the poets Leire Bilbao, Miren Agur Meabe, Felipe Juaristi (who could not attend the event but was present in his poems), Gonzalo Hermo, Manuel Rivas and Dolores Tembrás.

The proposal started with poetry of Leire Bilbao and Miren Agur Meabe (which also recited verses of Felipe Juaristi), followed by the Galician poets Gonzalo Hermo, Manuel Rivas and Dolores Tembrás. They recited in their respective languages almost thirty poems, some of them unpublished. The event was presented by the writer and member of the Department of Language, Literature and Communication GCC Angel Angueira, who highlighted the lush relationship between language and culture.

The recital is inserted under the "Travelling poets" project, which began last spring in Barcelona with a first meeting between the Basque and Catalan. The proposal will continue in the coming months Euskadi. On the other hand, they have published a book with a selection of five poems by each poet translated into two languages.

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